Other Products
smartften products with various price range that fit your needs
Full 4G Internet
Internet access with full 4G coverage

+FREE Call
Free calls to smartfren user

Tourist Special Pack
Special pack for internet access in Indonesia
NOW and NOW+
Affordable internet options with full 4G experience
smartfren Tourist Pack
Communicate and connect to internet while in Indonesia without hassle
Tourist Pack 30 GB
30 GB
Kuota 24 Jam 15 GB + Kuota Malam 15 GB
Gratis Akses
WhatsApp dan LINE (max. 5 GB)
10 Minutes
Nelpon ke Operator Luar Negeri
Tourist Pack Unlimited
Unlimited 24 Hours
Fair Usage Limit 1.5 GB/Day
10 Minutes
Nelpon ke Operator Luar Negeri
15 Menit
Nelpon ke Operator Indonesia
Other Recommendation
Didn't find what you want? Check other selection of Starter Packs that suits your needs here!
Kuota Nonstop 31 GB
18 GB
24 Hours Quota
8 GB
Extra Quota 2 GB/Week
5 GB
First Time Install mySF
Super Kuota 30 GB
15 GB
24 Hours Quota
15 GB
Midnight Quota
+Free Call
To All smartfren User
Power 60 GB
20 GB
24 Hours Quota
40 GB
Midnight Quota
Elite Member
3X SmartPoin
- SmartPlan 6
- Connex EVO 12
SmartPlan Prepaid
Freedom to control calls, SMS, and internet usage. Special for Prepaid customers
SmartPlan Prepaid 2 GB
2 GB
24 Hours Quota
10 Minutes
Call to Other Operator
100 SMS
SMS to All Operator
SmartPlan Prepaid 4 GB
4 GB
24 Hours Quota
10 Minutes
Call to Other Operator
100 SMS
SMS to All Operator
SmartPlan Prepaid 6 GB
6 GB
24 Hours Quota
10 Minutes
Call to Other Operator
100 SMS
SMS to All Operator
SmartPlan Prepaid 8 GB
8 GB
24 Hours Quota
20 Minutes
Call to Other Operator
200 SMS
SMS to All Operator
SmartPlan Prepaid 14 GB
14 GB
24 Hours Quota
30 Menit
Call to Other Operator
300 SMS
SMS to All Operator
SmartPlan Prepaid 24 GB
24 GB
24 Hours Quota
30 Menit
Call to Other Operator
300 SMS
SMS to All Operator
Easy to top up your credit instantly as internet quota on MiFi
500 MB
24 Hours Quota
1.5 GB
Midnight Quota
500 MB
Chat Quota
1.25 GB
24 Hours Quota
1.75 GB
Midnight Quota
1 GB
Chat Quota
2 GB
24 Hours Quota
3 GB
Midnight Quota
1 GB
Chat Quota
4 GB
24 Hours Quota
4 GB
Midnight Quota
2 GB
Chat Quota
45 GB
24 Hours Quota
45 GB
Midnight Quota
10 GB
Kuota Bonus
90 GB
24 Hours Quota
90 GB
Midnight Quota
20 GB
Kuota Bonus
200 GB
24 Hours Quota
200 GB
Midnight Quota
20 GB
Kuota Bonus
Other Package Recommendation
Check out other package offerings
Unlimited MAXI 14 Hari
Unlimited 24 Hours
FUP 1 GB/Day
Extra Unlimited Midnight
Full Speed (01.00-5.00 WIB)
+Free Call
To All smartfren User
Volume Based 16 GB
6 GB
24 Hours Quota
8 GB
Midnight Quota
2 GB
Chat Quota
Volume Based 30 GB
15 GB
24 Hours Quota
15 GB
Midnight Quota
+Free Call
To All smartfren User
Movie Plan Monthly
7 GB
For Video Streaming
500 MB
For Youtube Application
Smart Ngobrol
Smartfren special package for those of you who want to call ASAP
Smart Ngobrol 3 Days
10 Minutes
Call to Other Operator
10 SMS
SMS to All Operator
50 MB
24 Hours Quota
Smart Ngobrol 15 Days
25 Minutes
Call to Other Operator
25 SMS
SMS to All Operator
100 MB
24 Hours Quota
Smart Ngobrol 30 Days
90 Minutes
Call to Other Operator
90 SMS
SMS to All Operator
200 MB
24 Hours Quota
Have a question?
Check the answers about the product here
NOW Starter Pack
- 1. What devices can use this NOW 5K Starter Pack?
NOW 5K Starter Pack can be used on all Smartphone devices that support smartfren network
- 2. Where can I buy this NOW 5K Starter Pack?
NOW 5K Starter Pack can be purchased in all Smartfren Galleries and shops that sell Smartfren products
- 3. What should I do if my NOW 5K Starter Pack quota runs out before the end of the package period?
If your quota runs out in the middle of the package period, you will not be able to access Internet services. You can buy other internet packages such as Volume Based or Unlimited Package.
- 4. By when should I top up for the first time if I want to get the benefit?
The bonus quota from the first top up can be obtained if the top up is done within a period of 7 days after the card is activated
- 5. When the latest time I can activate the bonus quota from MySmartfren application?
Bonus quota from MySmartfren application can be obtained / claimed within 30 day period of card activation
- 6. What is the priority for using NOW 5K Starter Pack Internet Quota?
- Chatting quota (to access LINE, WhatsApp & BBM applications) which is obtained through the first top up
- Bonus quota that is obtained by claiming through MySmartfren application
- 24 hour quota that is obtained through the first top up
- 7. Can I immediately buy the Unlimited Data Plan or Volume Based package after activation?
Yes, as long as your balance is sufficient, and can only be used on Smartphone, when it is used on MiFi Andromax, the unlimited service cannot be used
NOW+ Starter Pack
- 1. What devices can use this NOW+ 20K Starter Pack?
NOW+ 20K Starter Pack can be used on all Smartphone devices that support smartfren network
- 2. Where can I buy this NOW+ 20K Starter Pack?
NOW + 20K Starter Pack can be purchased in all Smartfren Galleries and shops that sell Smartfren products
- 3. What should I do if my NOW + 20K Starter Pack quota runs out before the end of the package period?
If your quota runs out in the middle of the benefit period, you will not be able to access Internet services. You can buy other internet packages such as Volume Based or Super 4G Unlimited packages to be able to access internet services again
- 4. What is the priority for using NOW+ 20K Starter Pack Internet Quota?
- Midnight internet quota for use at 01:00 - 04:59 WIB
- 24 Hours Quota
Tourist Starter Pack
- 1. How long is the validity of SP Tourist?
SP Tourist valid for 14 days after successfully registered. If customer top up then active period will be added follow voucher denomination.
- 2. What if the quota FUP of SP Tourist 200K runs out before 11:59 PM?
If the fair usage limit has been reached, you can still access internet at a adjusted speed.
- 3. What is the benefit of SP Tourist?
SP Tourist 100K will get:
- 15 GB 24hrs quota
- 15 GB internet midnight (from 01 AM – 05AM WIB)
- Unlimited Chat (Whatsapp & Line)
- 10 mins international call
- Free call to Smartfren number
- 15 mins local outgoing call to other Smartfren number
- 500 SMS to all domestic operators
SP Tourist 200K will get:
- Unlimited 24hrs quota
- 10 mins international call
- Free call to Smartfren number
- 15 mins local outgoing call to other Smartfren number
- 500 SMS to all domestic operators
- 4. Is there an automatic renewal for SP Tourist if the validity period expires?
No, SP Tourist will not be renewed. Benefit can’t be use any longer after it is expired.
- 5. How to get SP Tourist?
SP Tourist can be found in certain Smartfren Gallery or travel agent.
- 6. What happens if the benefits of SIM Card is exhausted?
If the quota is exhausted, you can’t access internet or making outgoing call. You have to do top up to use the service or purchase package through MySmartfren.
- 7. How to activate the SIM Card?
To activate simcard, you must do registration through website https://mysf.id/regf. Scan your valid passpor and upload your picture holding passport. Follow the registration step in the website then your SIM card will immediately active.
Smart Ngobrol
- 1. Why should I buy SmartNgobrol package?
By subscribing to the SmartNgobrol package, customers will have the advantage of unlimited call anywhere and anytime without time limit.
- 2. How can I purchase the SmartNgobrol package?
SmartNgobrol package can be purchased via MySmartfren application or dial * 123 #.
- 3. Can I buy more than 1 SmartNgobrol package within the same period?
Customers with SmartNgobrol package that is not automatically renewed can purchase another SmartNgobrol package with the package validity period following of each package validity period.
However, if subscribers with SmartNgobrol package auto-renew (Renewal), they can only buy SmartNgobrol package that is not auto-renewed.
- 4. Will calls to fellow Smartfren reduce my call quota to other operators?
No. Calls to fellow Smartfren numbers will not cut the call quota to other operators. Calls to fellow Smartfren numbers are free and unlimited with no quota limit and no time limit.
- 5. What should I do if the voice quota to other operator runs out before the end period of the package?
You can buy another SmartNgobrol package that doesn't auto-renew without having to first deactivate your SmartNgobrol plan. The validity period of the quota will follow the validity period of each package.
If your call quota to other operators runs out in the middle of the package period, you can still make calls to other operators using your credit and will be charged basic / regular rates.
- 6. What should I do if the internet quota runs out before the end period of the package?
If your internet quota runs out in the middle of the package period, you will not be able to access internet services. If you'd like to use internet, you can buy another internet package without having to deactivate SmartNgobrol package that you have first.
- 7. If the auto-renewal is successful, will the remaining quota be accumulated to the next period?
No, the remaining quota for calls, internet, and SMS will not be accumulated and will not be carried over to the next renewal period.
Connex EVO
- Apakah saya bisa mengetahui sisa kuota internet dan juga masa berlakunya jika nomor dari produk EVO ini ada di dalam perangkat modem WiFi?
Untuk mengetahui sisa kuota dan masa berlaku dari nomor produk EVO, dapat dicek melalui aplikasi mySF yang diakses melalui smartphone Anda. Caranya, hubungkan terlebih dahulu smartphone ke WiFi dari perangkat modem yang ada nomor EVO tersebut, kemudian buka aplikasi mysf, lalu pilih “LOGIN TO MIFI/HOTSPOT ACCOUNT”. Maka otomatis layar utama aplikasi mySF akan tampil dengan info nomor produk EVO Anda.
- Berapa kuota yang akan didapat jika saya melakukan isi ulang dengan denom Rp 50,000 di produk EVO ini?
Berikut adalah konversi kuota yang akan didapat jika melakukan isi ulang di produk EVO :
Nominal Isi Ulang Main Quota Kuota Extra* Validity period Rp 50,000 12,5 GB 1 GB 30 days Rp 60,000 15 GB 1 GB 30 days Rp 100,000 25 GB 5 GB 30 days Rp 150,000 37,5 GB 5 GB 30 days Rp 200,000 50 GB 10 GB 30 days Rp 300,000 90 GB 90 GB 90 hari Rp 500,000 150 GB 150 GB 180 days Rp 1 juta 300 GB 300 GB 360 days Note : *Kuota Extra hanya diberikan untuk special program / special promo atau untuk produk khusus kartu perdana EVO baru.
- Bagaimana untuk mendapatkan Kuota Extra?
Kuota Extra hanya diberikan untuk special program atau special promo atau untuk produk khusus kartu perdana EVO. Kuota Extra berlaku untuk isi ulang mulai dari denominasi Rp 50ribu.
- Bagaimana jika kuota internet saya sudah habis sebelum masa berakhir kuota?
Jika kuota internet habis sebelum masa berakhirnya maka tidak akan bisa mengakses internet. Untuk dapat kembali menikmati layanan internet, Anda dapat melakukan isi ulang pulsa kembali.
- Apakah saya dapat melakukan isi ulang beberapa kali dalam periode yang sama?
Ya bisa dan untuk kuota yang ada akan mempunyai masa aktif kuota masing-masing.
- Dimana saya bisa melakukan isi ulang untuk produk EVO ini?
Isi ulang dapat dilakukan dengan Voucher Data/Pulsa di outlet-outlet terdekat, ATM, m-Banking, Minimarket, aplikasi e-money dan juga melalui aplikasi mySF.
- Apa yang dimaksud dengan produk EVO ini?
Produk EVO produk data yang menawarkan pengalaman dengan mekanisme yang mudah dan praktis untuk layanan data. Pelanggan hanya cukup melakukan isi ulang dan pulsa akan otomatis dikonversi menjadi kuota internet.
- Bagaimana prioritas penggunaan Kuota Internet paket EVO?
Midnight internet quota for customers at 01:00 - 04:59
Chatting Quota (to access Line, Whatsapp & BBM applications)
24 Hours Quota