Smartfren Elite: Priority network with many benefits

Smartfren Elite: Priority network with many benefits
Smartfren Elite: Priority network with many benefits

Smartfren Elite: Priority network with many benefits
More than just a connection
Experience smoother, more stable internet with Smartfren Elite. Enjoy big data packages, unlimited calls, and other exclusive benefits.

Best value to money
Big quota with affordable prices

Free Vanity Number
Choose your number worth up to IDR 1 Million

Priority Network
Swift Internet without obstacles

Best value to money
Big quota with affordable prices

Free Vanity Number
Choose your number worth up to IDR 1 Million

Priority Network
Swift Internet without obstacles
Upgrade to a more elite service now!


Rp 100.000

Rp 100.000

BIG Quota
Get a 100GB quota for only IDR 100,000

Vanity Number
Free to choose your number without additional fee

Rollover Quota
Primary Quota can be rolled-over to next month
Paying bills? Click, pay, and done!
We partnering with various merchants to make paying your monthly bills easier. Wait for interesting promotions!

Frequently asked questions
Find out info about Smartfren’s products and services
Smartfren Elite is a postpaid service from Smartfren that can be used at any time (24 hours) on all Smartfren networks with various benefits, including Main Quota, Extra Quota, Application Quota, and Loyalty Quota. Customers also get unlimited phone calls to fellow Smartfren customers.
Everyone can become a Smartfren Elite customer through. Purchases and registration can be made through the mySF application & website.
Smartfren Elite offers packages that suit customer needs starting from 100 thousand.
Elite 100GB Smartfren Elite's latest package with very competitive prices and quotas, free beautiful number options, and main quotas that can be rolled over to the following month.
Complete information regarding Smartfren Elite can be seen on this page.
Purchases and registration can be done through the mySF application & website
Smartfren Elite is a postpaid service from Smartfren that can be used at any time (24 hours) on all Smartfren networks with various benefits, including Main Quota, Extra Quota, Application Quota, and Loyalty Quota. Customers also get unlimited phone calls to fellow Smartfren customers.
Everyone can become a Smartfren Elite customer through. Purchases and registration can be made through the mySF application & website.
Smartfren Elite offers packages that suit customer needs starting from 100 thousand.
Elite 100GB Smartfren Elite's latest package with very competitive prices and quotas, free beautiful number options, and main quotas that can be rolled over to the following month.
Complete information regarding Smartfren Elite can be seen on this page.
Purchases and registration can be done through the mySF application & website
Smartfren Elite bills can be seen on the mySF application at the end of each billing period. In addition, bills are also sent to the customer's email address registered during registration.
Customers will receive a bill or price details related to the use of Smartfren Elite every month at the end of the billing period which can be paid through the mySF application, ATM/Internet Banking, retail (Indomaret and Alfamart), and e-commerce that collaborate with Smartfren.
Smartfren Elite bill payments through payment partners (banking, e-commerce, fintech, modern channels, and other payment channels) are subject to admin fees/transaction fees set by the payment partner.
Admin fees/transaction fees are a policy of imposing fees on bill payments set by payment partners (banking, e-commerce, fintech, modern channels, and other payment channels) and charged to Smartfren Elite customers/partner service users who make Smartfren Elite bill payments through/using payment partner channels that collaborate with Smartfren in their capacity as Payment Service Providers (PJP) and/or Financial Services Business Actors (PUJK) by referring to the provisions of financial sector regulations.
The implementation of admin fees/transaction fees by Smartfren Elite bill payment partners as payment service providers is in accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulation Number: 23/6/PBI/2021 concerning Payment Service Providers/PJP (and its implementing regulations), which regulates the authority of PJP to charge fees to service users as a payment transaction facilitation, including bill payment services.
Check the list of official payment partners that serve Smartfren Elite bill payments by contacting the Smartfren Call Center or Live Chat on the website
The authority for the admin fee/transaction fee for Smartfren Elite bill payments through payment partners is determined/set by each payment partner and may change at any time. For further information, please contact the customer service of each payment partner to be used.
Proof of the imposition of admin fees/transaction fees for Smartfren Elite payments will be listed on the payment sheet/receipt from each payment partner.
Terms and Conditions
- Produk smartfren Kuota berlaku untuk pelanggan pascabayar smartfren ( non korporasi )
- Kuota Utama, Kuota Ekstra, Kuota Aplikasi dan Kuota Loyalty akan didapatkan langsung saat paket aktif.
- Kuota Utama, Kuota Loyalty dan Kuota Ekstra berlaku 24 jam di semua aplikasi dan di semua lokasi.
- Kuota Aplikasi berlaku khusus untuk aplikasi esensial: Whatsapp, Line, Discord, Grab, Gojek, Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Blibli, Lazada, Dana, Ovo, Linkaja.
- Masa aktif mengikuti Periode Tagihan (Follow Billing Cycle) dengan perhitungan prorata dan harga paket pada bulan pertama dan perhitungan menyesuaikan dengan tanggal aktivasi paket.
- Paket data akan diperpanjang secara otomatis (auto-renewal)
- Sisa kuota dari Kuota utama (jika ada) akan diakumulasi. Dengan batasan maximal yang dapat berpindah sebesar 1x dari kuota utama.
- The sequence of quota usage is as follows:
- Application Quota
- Kuota Loyalty
- Main Quota
- Kuota Ekstra
- Jika Kuota paket Elite Kuota habis maka pelanggan akan dikenakan tarif regular
- Jika kuota paket Elite Kuota habis maka pelanggan dapat membeli paket Add On yang akan menambah kuotanya untuk dapat menikmati layanan smartfren
- Paket ini bisa digunakan diperangkat Smartphone & MiFi
- Smartfren berhak untuk merevisi, mengubah dan / atau mengganti syarat dan ketentuan yang ada atas pertimbangan smartfren sendiri tanpa pemberitahuan kepada pelanggan. Penggunaan layanan ini secara terus menerus setelah adanya perubahan terhadap syarat dan ketentuan merupakan penerimaan terhadap perubahan tersebut (jika ada). Pelanggan disarankan mengunjungi halaman ini secara berkala untuk meninjau syarat dan ketentuan yang ada.
Terms and Conditions
- Smartfren Quota products are valid for smartfren postpaid customers (non-corporate)
- Main Quota, Extra Quota, Application Quota and Loyalty Quota will be obtained directly when the package is active.
- Main Quota, Loyalty Quota and Extra Quota are valid 24 hours in all applications and in all locations.
- Application Quota is valid specifically for essential applications: Whatsapp, Line, Discord, Grab, Gojek, Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Blibli, Lazada, Dana, Ovo, Linkaja.
- The active period follows the Billing Period (Follow Billing Cycle) with a prorated calculation and package price in the first month and the calculation is adjusted to the package activation date.
- The data package will be automatically extended (auto-renewal)
- The remaining quota from the main quota (if any) will be accumulated. With a maximum limit that can be moved of 1x from the main quota.
- The order of quota usage is as follows:
- Application Quota
- Loyalty Quota
- Main Quota
- Extra Quota
- If the Elite Quota package quota runs out, customers will be charged the regular rate
- If the Elite Quota package quota runs out, customers can purchase an Add On package that will increase their quota to be able to enjoy smartfren services
- This package can be used on Smartphone & MiFi devices
- Smartfren has the right to revise, change and / or replace the existing terms and conditions at Smartfren's own discretion without notification to customers. Continued use of this service after changes to the terms and conditions constitutes acceptance of the changes (if any). Customers are advised to visit this page periodically to review the existing terms and conditions.
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