Daily Unlimited
Satisfied Internet Every Day Without Application LimitationsUnlimited 24 Hours
Bebas Internetan Setiap Hari
Bebas Semua Aplikasi
Internetan tanpa batasan aplikasi
Anti Balance Deduction
Pulsa aman Walau Kuota Habis
Daily Unlimited 2 GB
2 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 700 MB
700 MB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 2 GB
2 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 3 GB
3 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
Ke Semua Aplikasi
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited
Internet tanpa ribet setiap hari 24 jam di semua aplikasi
Daily Unlimited 4 GB
4 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 3 GB
3 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 2 GB
2 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 1 GB
1 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 2 GB
2 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 1 GB
1 GB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Daily Unlimited 700 MB
700 MB
Every day
Unlimited 24 Hours
All Apps
Anti Balance Deduction
After Daily Limit
Unlimited Harian Booster
Unlimited Booster Daily
Unlimited 24 Hours
Fair Usage Limit 500 MB/Day
Unlimited Booster Daily
Unlimited 24 Hours
Fair Usage Limit 500 MB/Day
Unlimited Booster Weekly
Unlimited 24 Hours
Fair Usage Limit 500 MB/Day
Unlimited Harian Pascabayar
Daily Unlimited Billing Cycle
Unlimited 24 Hours
Fair Usage Limit 1 GB/Day
Unlimited Access
24 Hours All Apps
+Free Call
To All smartfren User
Daily Unlimited Billing Cycle
Unlimited 24 Hours
Fair Usage Limit 1.5 GB/Day
Unlimited Access
24 Hours All Apps
Free Call
To All smartfren User
Unlimited PLUS Postpaid
Unlimited 24 Hours
Fair Usage Limit 1 GB/Day
Unlimited Access
24 Hours All Apps
60 min
Call to Other Operator
Unlimited PLUS Postpaid
Unlimited 24 Hours
Fair Usage Limit 1.5 GB/Day
Unlimited Access
24 Hours All Apps
60 min
Call to Other Operator
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Have a question?
Check the answers about the product here
Unlimited Starter Pack
- 1. Which device can use this smartfren Unlimited Starter Pack?
Unlimited Starter Pack can be used on all Smartphone devices that support the smartfren network
- 2. What is the fair usage limit given?
The fair usage limit for the Unlimited Lite starter pack is 500MB / per day. And the fair usage limit for the Unlimited starter pack is 1GB / day.
- 3. Does this Unlimited starter pack have automatic renewal features?
No, for Unlimited Starter Pack there is no auto renewal mechanism (auto-renewal). To be able to activate auto-renewal features, should you buy packages from mySF application or via *123#.
- 4. How to recover speed if it has reached the fair usage limit?
If Customer wants to enjoy the original speed, there are several steps that can be taken:
- Buy Unlimited boosters
– Membeli Paket Volume based /Kuota Nonstop
As long as the customer has quota, the data usage will be taken from the baseline volume quota
- 5. How long is the Unlimited Starter Pack active period?
The active period of Unlimited Starter Pack is 7 days (for 7 days Unlimited Starter Pack) and 28 days (for Unlimited Lite and Unlimited 28 days 80K Starter Pack) from the time the card is activated
- 6. How do I activate the Unlimited Starter Pack?
The Unlimited Package will be active after the card is activated and registered according to Prepaid Registration rules
- 7. If I buy a Volume Based data package, what is the priority for using the quota?
When a customer purchases a volume based package, then this volume based quota will be consumed first, after that the unlimited package
- 8. Can the Unlimited Starter Pack be used on a dongle or Mifi device?
This Unlimited Starter Pack cannot be used on MiFi devices, Routers and Dongles
- 9. Can this unlimited service be used overseas?
This Unlimited Starter Pack is only valid for domestic (domestic) use. For internet usage abroad, customers will be charged according to the provisions of the Smartfren roaming partner
Unlimited Plan
- Apa yang dimaksud dengan Unlimited 30D series
Adalah paket yang sama dengan paket Unlimited existing dgn masa aktif 30D. Paket Unlimited memberikan layanan akses internet Unlimited di semua aplikasi dan berlaku di semua jaringan Smartfren, serta tambahan benefit Unlimited Nelpon ke Sesama Smartfren. Dengan paket Unlimited ini maka pelanggan tidak perlu khawatir lagi akan kehabisan kuota pada saat mengakses layanan internet.
- Ada berapa macam tipe paket Unlimited Smartfren
Paket Unlimited ini terdiri dari paket Unlimited Harian (1 hari) , unlimited Mingguan (7 & 14 hari) dan juga paket Unlimited bulanan (28 & 30 hari).
- Bagaimana cara mendapatkan paket Unlimited
Pembelian paket Unlimited dpt dilakukan melalui aplikasi mySF, USSI *888*3#. Trad-telco, E-commerce, Galery
- Apakah ada batas pemakaian wajar untuk paket Unlimited
There is a fair usage limit for Unlimited packages according to the package taken. If it exceeds the fair usage limit, the customer can still access the internet at an adjusted speed.
- Kartu apa sajakah yang bisa berlaku untuk berlangganan paket Unlimited ini ?
Paket Unlimited ini berlaku untuk semua pelanggan baik prabayar & pasca bayar, kecuali untuk pengguna MiFi (layanan unlimited tidak dapat digunakan di perangkat MiFi)
- Apakah tersedia metode perpanjangan otomatis untuk paket Unlimited ini ?
Ya, tersedia mekanisme perpanjangan otomatis untuk paket Existing Unlimited 65rb, 80rb , Unlimited 100rb. Dan New Unlimitied 70rb, 100rb, 120rb, 160rb.
Unlimited 65rb, jika berhasil auto renewal pada cycle berikutnya maka harga yang dikenakan adalah Rp 62rb
For Unlimited 80K: if auto renewal is successful in the next cycle, the price charged is Rp75K
Unlimited 100rb, jika berhasil auto renewal pada cycle berikutnya maka harga yang dikenakan adalah Rp 95rb
Unlimited 70rb, jika berhasil auto renewal pada cycle berikutnya maka harga yang dikenakan adalah Rp 67rb
Unlimited 100rb, jika berhasil auto renewal pada cycle berikutnya maka harga yang dikenakanadalah Rp 95rb
Unlimited 120rb, jika berhasil auto renewal pada cycle berikutnya maka harga yang dikenakan adalah Rp 115rb
Unlimited 160rb, jika berhasil auto renewal pada cycle berikutnya maka harga yang dikenakan adalah Rp 150rb
Paket auto renewal ini akan diperpanjang pada jam 23:00 pada hari ke 28 atau hari ke 30 sejak paket aktif
- Apakah saya bisa membeli paket Data Volume jika sudah memiliki paket Unlimited ini?
Yes, and by buying a volume based package, you can also increase the speed when the number subscribed to the Unlimited package reaches the normal usage limit. For conditions where the customer has a Data Volume quota and an Unlimited service package, the Data Volume quota will be consumed first.
- Apakah paket Unlimited dapat digunakan di luar negri?
No, the Unlimited package can only be used domestically (domestic).
- Bagaimana cara untuk menaikan kecepatan saat sudah mencapai batas pemakaian wajar ?
Untuk mengembalikan kecepatan saat sudah mencapai batas pemakaian wajar juga bisa dilakukan dengan melakukan pembelian paket booster Unlimited
- Bagaimana cara memastikan perpanjangan otomatis ( auto renewal ) paket saya berhasil?
Proses perpanjangan otomatis (auto renewal) paket di hari ke 28 untuk paket Existing dan di hari ke 30 untuk paket New. mulai berjalan antara rentang waktu pukul 23.00 -23.59. Oleh karenanya pastikan pulsa mencukupi, sesuai dengan harga paket.
- Apa yang terjadi apabila perpanjangan otomatis ( auto renewal ) nya tidak berhasil?
Apabila pada hari ke 28 atau hari ke 30 antara pukul 23:00-23:59, saat terjadi perpanjangan otomatis berlangsung ternyata pulsa tidak mencukupi, maka paket akan hangus, untuk dapat menikmati layanan data Smartfren maka pelanggan harus melakukan pembelian kembali paket data untuk menghindari pengenaan tarif regular
Add-On Booster Unlimited
- 1. Can I buy Add-On package if I haven't subscribed to the Unlimited package?
No. Customers must have Unlimited package (daily / monthly) before purchasing Add On package.
- 2. How long does Add-On Unlimited package last?
The Add On package is valid until 23:59:59 on the same day as the purchase of the Add On package or according to the active time of the Add-On package.
- 3. What if the Add-On package quota FUP runs out before 23:59?
If the fair usage limit has been reached, the customer can still access the internet at an adjusted speed.
- 4. How do I register for this Add-On package?
Registration for Add On Unlimited package is done through MySF application.
- 5. Is there an automatic renewal for this Add-On package?
No, there is no automatic renewal mechanism for this Add On package.