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1. What is smartfren Balance Transfer service?

smartfren Balance Transfer Service is a service that allows smartfren users to send credit to fellow smartfren users.

2. How do I use the smartfren Balance Transfer service?

Customers simply send an SMS to 879 with format KIRIM.[Recipient No.].[nominal], for example KIRIM.0888xxxxxxx.5000.

In addition, customers can also use USSI services by dialing * 879 #.

3. What is the rate charged every time you make a Balance Transfer?

The sender will be charged an admin fee, but the nominal varies depending on the number of the credit sent.

4. Will the balance sent add the active period to the recipient's number?

Yes, the recipient's active period will be added, but it depends on the number of balance sent

Denomination (Rp)Extend Active Date
1 – 5,0001 Day
5,001 – 10,0003 Days
10,001 – 20,0007 Days
20,001 – 50,00010 Days
50,001 – 100,00015 Days

5. Can smartfren Balance Transfer be made to the credit recipient within the grace period?

Yes, Balance Transfer can be made to smartfren numbers within the grace period

6. Is there a minimum balance that the sender must have after Balance Transfer?

Customers must have a minimum balance of IDR 5,000 after transferring the balance

7. How many can I transfer?

At one time, customers can only transfer a maximum of Rp. 100,000

8. Are there any special provisions for customers who want to transfer their balance?

Customers who want to do Balance Transfer must be on smartfren network at least within 30 days and still in the active period

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