Discount Hotel in Jakarta IDR 200,000


5 Januari 2023
Hotelmurah.com is one of the leading Online Travel Agents (OTA) in Indonesia that provides hotel booking services, airline tickets, train tickets, e-wallet/e-wallet Top Up, Electricity Pay/Electricity Token Top Up, and game vouchers.
Terms and Conditions
1. The voucher can only be used once for 1 transaction
2. Vouchers can be used for every hotel booking transaction & there is no minimum transaction
3. The voucher can be used up to 2 weeks after the voucher code is received
4.Vouchers cannot be cashed.
5. Vouchers cannot be combined with other promos
6. This voucher cannot be resold to other parties without written permission from hotelmurah.com.
7. If you have any questions, please contact Hotelmurah customer service at https://www.hotelmurah.com/contactus
8.hotelmurah.com reserves the right to cancel the order; both new and ongoing transactions if there is a violation or misuse of this promotion.
9. The rules that apply can change at any time according to the decision of hotelmurah.com and Smartfren.
How to Use Voucher
1.Redeem coupons from cheap hotel credit promos on the MySmartfren application
2.Click the following link to make a hotel reservation http://onelink.to/smartfren
3.Pilih Kota Tujuan atau Nama Hotel, serta tanggal Check-in dan Check-out lalu klik “Cari Hotel”
4. Choose a hotel and view the room then book the room you want
5.Pilih “Gunakan Kode Voucher” dan masukan kode voucher untuk mendapatkan diskon
6.Anda akan mendapatkan diskon Rp 200 ribu pada semua hotel bertanda “Promosi”
7.Selain hotel bertanda “Promosi”, voucher juga dapat digunakan pada semua hotel yg ada di hotelmurah.com (lebih dari 350.000 hotel) namun nilai potongannya berbeda-beda di setiap hotel.
8.Jika diskon yg anda terima di hotel yg anda pesan kurang dari Rp 200 ribu, maka sisa dari diskon tersebut akan tersimpan dan kode voucher dapat digunakan berkali-kali saat pemesanan hotel berikutnya, sampai total diskon yg anda dapat mencapai total Rp 200 ribu. Contoh : Anda memesan hotel yg bukan bertanda “Promosi” dan mendapatkan diskon hotel Rp 150 ribu, maka sisa voucher yg anda miliki yaitu Rp 50 ribu, bisa digunakan untuk memesan hotel lainnya. dengan ini anda akan mendapatkan total diskon Rp 200 ribu.
9. The hotel price will be automatically deducted according to the discount value used
10.Lengkapi data pemesanan hingga pembayaran selesai