Kuota 420 GB
Rp 1.000.000
Valid for 360 days
200 GB
24 Hours Quota
200 GB
Midnight Quota
20 GB
Kuota Bonus
Free Subscription
Vidio Premier Gold
Free Call
Free Call to smartfren User
You can also buy starter packs through various platforms, both online and offline. Click here to see all options
Quota Data Package Terms and Conditions
Quota Data Package Terms and Conditions
- The Quota Package does not provide an accumulative quota. All quotas from purchasing a Quota Package can only be used according to the package's validity period and cannot be extended to the next period.
- Automatic renewal only applies to monthly packages for prepaid customers. As for postpaid subscribers, automatic renewal applies by subscribing to packages of 60 thousand, 100 thousand, 150 thousand and 200 thousand.
- The use of quotas (in order of priority) are as follow:
- Chatting Quota (to access texting Line & WhatsApp applications)
- Night internet quota for usage from 01:00 - 05:00 WIB
- Kuota bonus (jika ada) – Kuota 24 Jam
- If the package data quota runs out in the middle of the package's validity period, then the customer cannot access Internet services. To be able to access the Internet again, the customer must first purchase a package again.
- Customers can purchase 2 (two) or more different Quota packages with their respective validity periods. Quota Auto Renewal customers (automatic renewal) can only purchase a Non-Renewal Quota package.
- Customers who are subscribed to the Daily Unlimited package can purchase a Kuota package with the priority of using the quota being the quota from the Kuota Package first.
- Customers who subscribe to the 30GB, 60GB, 90GB, 120GB, Long Plan packages (300 thousand, 500 thousand, 1 million) can choose to auto-renew or not auto-renew, and will get a free subscription to Vidio Premier Gold (Subscription).
- Vidio subscription benefits can be claimed through the My smartphone application or USSI if the data package is already active
- In the My smartfren application, customers can see the benefits of subscribing to this video on the Smartpoin page then go to my Active Voucher menu
- Customers can directly claim the Vidio benefits by clicking Use Voucher and then entering the Vidio application site to enjoy the benefits
- Through USSI, customers can dial *878*78# and claim the voucher listed
- The Vidio subscription benefit claim period is 28 days from the data package activation date
- Free subscription to Vidio Premier Gold will be terminated automatically at the end of the package subscription period
- The free period of the Vidio Premier Gold subscription is valid for (30 days) from the time you claim the Vidio Voucher.
- If the customer has the Daily Unlimited package and in the condition that it has reached the FUP (fair usage limit) and then purchases a Quota Package, the internet access speed will follow the speed of the Kuota Package. Customers are advised to activate Airplane Mode for a moment to ensure the speed returns to the best effort condition.
- For Prepaid Customers, the tariff for the data package chosen by the Customer will be calculated with the Customer's credit after the registration and activation of the Volume Based package has been successfully carried out. For Postpaid Customers, the Postpaid Volume Based package tariff will be calculated with the remaining credit limit of the Customer, where the Customer will settle the telecommunications service bill on the due date.
Terms and Conditions Bonus Chatting Quota
Terms and Conditions Bonus Chatting Quota
- Bonus chatting quota is only available to access Line and WhatsApp.
- Bonus chatting quota is not available to open links that are redirected outside of Line and WhatsApp.
- Video and voice calls via WhatsApp & LINE will consume the 24-hour main quota.
- If chat quota exhausted then chat access will use main quota (24-hour)
Terms and Conditions Midnight Quota
Terms and Conditions Midnight Quota
- The midnight quota can only be used between 01:00 - 05:00 WIB.
- If internet access is done outside these hours, it will cut the 24-hour main quota.
- The remaining night internet quota will be forfeited when the active period ends.
- To optimize the use of midnight internet quota, at 01:00 WIB it is recommended to first turn off the data connection or use "Airplane mode” for a few seconds, then re-enable the data connection.
Syarat dan Ketentuan Promo Ramadhan EXTRA Internet Malam Sepuasnya
Syarat dan Ketentuan Promo Ramadhan EXTRA Internet Malam Sepuasnya
- Selama Promo Ramadhan pada periode 23 Maret – 24 April 2023 pelanggan akan mendapatkan Bonus Gratis Internet Malam Sepuasnya 30 Days jika membeli paket-paket data dan Voucher Data berikut ini : Unlimited Daily, Unlimited Non Stop, Plans Quota yang memiliki masa periode paket 28 hari keatas.
- Promo hanya berlaku untuk pelanggan prabayar Smartfren (Reguler and Perpanjangan Otomatis)
- Customer dapat membeli paket data yang sama (Plans yang memiliki Bonus Gratis Internet Malam Sepuasnya) dalam waktu bersamaan, dan bonus internet malam sepuasnya dengan masa aktif 30 Days tetap diberikan sesuai jumlah pembelian paket.
- Masa berlaku Bonus Internet Malam Sepuasnya adalah 30 Hari, tidak mengikuti paket induk.
- Voucher Bonus diberikan ke pelanggan paling lambat 1×24 Jam sejak pembelian Paket.
- Bonus Internet Malam Sepuasnya dapat di klaim melalui aplikasi My smartfren or USSI.
- at aplikasi My smartfren, pelanggan dapat klaim bonus Internet Malam Sepuasnya di halaman “SmartPoin” lalu ke menu “Voucher Aktif saya”, lalu klik “TUKAR” dan pelanggan dapat langsung klaim bonus dengan klik “Gunakan Voucher”.
- Klaim melalui USSI, pelanggan dapat telfon ke *878*78# lalu klaim voucher yang tertera
- Masa klaim bonus adalah 7 hari terhitung from tanggal aktivasi paket data.
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